Sunday, June 24, 2018

Designer Dalek

Apologies to the dress designer (Leona Edmiston) but as a Doctor Who fan, the moment I saw this dress:

My mind went here: (It's a Dalek, one of the Doctor's
mortal enemies from the television series.)

All I needed was some styrofoam balls and some matching fabric (I found some girls' leggings in Zara which fit the bill:

Each ball was split into a semi sphere, then wrapped in a half circle of fabric - I traced around a cup for the shape. 

I attached the "bumps" with sticky velcro dots, thinking I could peel them off and use the dress in its natural state. Unsuccessfully, unfortunately.
Then it was off to our local "comic con" with a toilet plunger in hand:

There's always a Doctor Who Christmas episode. I suppose that's why this bloke is dressed as he is...

Note Dalek T Shirt