Sunday, December 12, 2010

Take one "free size" kaftan...

I loved the fabric, and it was half price, so I thought I'd see what I could do with it...

How it looked
on the website

How it looked on the floor

Next step - sew
offcuts together

A little work with the scissors and 
sewing machine, and "Voila!"


A pettiskirt for Jess

Jess' Mum asked me to make a pettiskirt for her for Christmas. She asked me months ago - so when did I start? Last Friday, of course!  But it turned out well - in fact I think it's the best one yet!  The bottom layer is about 12m long. The frill used at least 35m of chiffon ribbon.(Looks familiar? Sue said she wanted one just like the one I'd make for the Greenwich School Fundraiser). Thank you Sue for being my first paying customer.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Costumes for a (small) class production of Little Red Riding Hood

When my 6 yr old son came home from school and said he and his friends wanted to perform "Little Red Riding Hood" for the class, I sprang into action.

We needed an axe for the Woodsman (cardboard, tape, tin foil, on a stick), a mask for the (Big?) Bad Wolf (downloaded, laminated, cut and strung with elastic) a no sew hood for Red Riding Hood (from A Simple Nest - thank you!) and a granny's bonnet (old pillowcase, cut into a circle, create a casing for elastic, thread elastic through), and a basket to carry it in. Done!